
121 Express Reading Group

Hello ESL B class. This is where we will meet to talk about your book. For your first post, I'd like you to make 1 connection with the book to your life.

Here is my response:

One connection I have with the book is about bullying. The main character Lucas is tired of not being cool. He thinks the way to gain popularity is to be mean and bully other kids. This made me think about when I was at a different school and we had a huge bullying problem. We started an anti-bullying committee and I learned much about bullying. One of the biggest facts that I learned about was the role of the bystander. I took this picture from the YMCA site. It shows that the bystander plays a huge role in bullying...almost as much as the bully. The bystander is the one who watches the bully and doesn't say anything. If the bystander said something to the bully, it could stop the bullying from happening. In the novel, if Lucas could stand up to the other students and tell them what they are doing is not right, he could help stop the bullying.

Now it's your turn. Think of 1 connection you have with the book and post it below. Your connection could be about a character, an event or a setting.

Happy blogging!


  1. I saw when i was younger this happen, because this kind of bullying is very commom in primary schools, and must be discussed because this can afraid a lot of kids about life`s challenges

  2. I fought with my friend in Korea, because my friend bullied weak friend. I think strong people need to protect the weak people.

  3. Lucas in the book 121 express represents the youngest child. The book showed for reader he can been easily manipulated and he got attention seeker in others people to know how find a “good” place to be, kind of popular place, and finally he was people person, because he wanted to have friends, popular friends anyway, so he was people person but he wanted to have the right persons in his side, trouble makers in the case.


    1. I think Lucas is only child. He shows this when he made troubles. If he has brothers or sisters, he will not want to be popular.

  4. I think Lucas is only child. He shows this when he made troubles. When he does this, he thought he will be popular. This shows that Lucas wants to be popular so he did not properiate things.

    1. I do not think i agree with you, because for me his caracteristics are more explicit wen we describe yougest child, he is kind of scared about what the other people think, exactly little brothers who need old brothers like him and youger brothers acts

