
Monday 18 June 2012

The Home Stretch

Hello everyone -
I enjoyed today's party. Everyone did a great job talking about their countries and I loved the music choices that everyone chose.

ESLA/B classes - good luck on your exams tomorrow.
ESLC class - we will review tomorrow and you will have a chance to finish the presentations.
Ms. Carey

Thursday 14 June 2012

Our party

Hi everyone
We have our party (your final performance task) on Monday. Below are the songs you will be using for your presentations.

Michel Telo and Pitbull


Korean Folk Song

My Best Friend

Bangkok City

somos pasion

Sunday 10 June 2012

Hello everyone
Your final blog post this year will be about how birth order affects the personality of your protagonist.

Task 1: Please post your paragraph in your novel section about your character. Your post should talk about where you think your protagonist is in their family birth order. Don't forget to use paragraph structure.

Task 2: Please respond to 1 other student's post.

Thank you and I look forward to reading your posts!
Ms. Carey
(the oldest in her family :)

Friday 1 June 2012

Famous Quotations - What's Important to You?

Your task:
1. Record a famous quotation or saying in your language below.
2. Translate it into English.
3. Explain why you like it and what it means to you.
4. Respond to at least 2 people's postings before our next book talk.

My example:
If you have ever looked at my webpage, I've quoted Mahatma Gandhi. He worked very hard to end discrimination in India.

You can check out this link if you would like to learn more about him:

He once challenged people to, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I believe that Gandhi meant that we are the only ones who can control our actions. Any changes we wish to make, we have to start with ourselves. If we change ourselves, then we will change the world around us.

One of the reasons why I think this quotation is so powerful is because there are many problems in the world. Sometimes it is easy to see all of the problems and feel sad or frustrated. However, if you can make changes in your world and model what you would like to see in the world, then your actions will affect the people around you. You will be responsible for positive change. I think the world needs more of this.

Monday 21 May 2012

Hi ESL students!
Welcome to our class blog.

I've created this blog as a way to get us talking about what we are doing in class. Remember to follow the rules that we've talked about when you post a blog. Here is the video we watched of Mrs. Yollis' class. It talks about how to write quality comments. This is what we used to help us come up with our rules.

Thank you very much to Mrs. Yollis and her class for the helpful video. If you have some time, you should check out her class blog: Mrs. Yollis' Class Blog. Leave her a comment!

Happy Blogging!

Also, you can read this blog in your first language if you like. Use the Translate button at the top of the blog. However, all of your posts must be in English.